Planting Seeds of Hope and Promise

growth planting seeds Mar 05, 2018


Jane A. Simington PhD.
One of my fondest childhood memories of early spring is sitting beside my mother as she perused the catalogues choosing seeds that had in previous years proved to be productive; and always selecting a few new varieties from the gorgeous colored pictures which looked promising. Upon their arrival, Mother planted the seeds and tended to them daily with just the right amount of warm water and fertilizer, ensuring that they would develop strong...
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Communicating Love

communication love Feb 14, 2018

Jane A. Simington PhD

It is probable that since the beginning of human existence, humankind has searched to find the right ways to express love. While much is written about the best approaches for doing so, it is always worthwhile to examine how we convey these deep feelings, and to explore new strategies for expressing our love and caring.
The color of love is green and is usually associated with the energy chakra in the middle of the chest. As this chakra opens beyond the first layers of...
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A Year of Opportunity for Spiritual Mastery

11 Jan 03, 2018

©Jane A. Simington, PhD.

Welcome to 2018!

The super full moon on January 1, bathed us in a cosmic light foreshadowing the bright potential and expanded possibilities of the upcoming year. In Numerology, the energy expression of a year is determined by adding the numbers and reducing that number to a single digit. In doing so, we determine that 2018 has the energy expression of a 2. Before they are reduced however, the addition of the numbers in 2018 results in an 11; but because the...
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The Vileness of War Tempers the Glory of Triumph

memories trauma war Nov 09, 2017
Jane A. Simington, PhD. 2017

Cenotaphs and anniversaries stir our individual and collective memories of life-changing events. November 11, like other anniversaries that mark military victories, are bittersweet for they temper the glory of triumph with the sadness of the sacrifices made and the vileness of war.

In preparation for our involvement in the November 11 ceremonies, my husband Bill and I processed some memories of our relationships with his Veteran Father. Bill’s...
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Thanksgiving Festivals: A Time for Focused Appreciation

©Jane A. Simington PhD.
October, 2017

This evening, I lingered along the lakeshore path, marveling at the Autumn splendor of colored leaves dancing in the evening breeze, listening to the call of Canada Geese winging their way back to the safety of the water; and also, in awe of the brilliance of the soon-to-be-full moon. This Harvest Full Moon coincides with many harvest festivals in the Northern Hemisphere; and in Canada, it heralds the beginning of our Thanksgiving weekend.

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To Know Is To Value: Cultural Awareness Increases World Peace

culture travel Sep 12, 2017

Jane A. Simington PhD.


St. Augustine of Hippo wrote that “The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only one page.” I returned recently from travel in Russia and other Baltic countries. For me, travel is the ultimate personal and spiritual development tool. Journeying through other countries and cultures offers an expanded awareness of the soulful ways in which people suffer, survive and celebrate.

During my time in Russia and Finland, I witnessed glorious...

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Transformation Produces Abundance

©Jane A. Simington, PhD. 2017

Today, while gathering the abundance of an August harvest, a multicolored butterfly landed on my overflowing vegetable basket. The butterfly’s colors and how its wings became one with a carrot top reminded me of a clay Kachina I had once molded during an art class, and of the symbolism related to it. A Kachina is a supernatural being who controls nature and has the Spirits of living things such as animals and plants within it. The Butterfly Maiden...

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A Legacy of Love Enriches Our Family Story

families legacy memories Jul 04, 2017

©Jane A. Simington PhD. 2017

Summer is a time when many gather for special events that add memories to the family story, that will last a life time. Such gatherings also connect the present with the past; for they can evoke strong memories resulting from conversations about the legacy left by family members who have helped to establish intergenerational links.

A legacy is a tangible (such as an item) or intangible (such as love and respect) substance that is left by someone who has...

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Grandfathering Strengthens Intergenerational Bonds

©Jane A. Simington PhD.

Parents who have had a child die often feel that they have lost a huge part of their future. All the goals, dreams and aspirations they had for that child and for their relationship with that child are gone, and in their place is a deep sadness and a longing for what will never be.

As a bereaved mother I know that while my son Billy can never be replaced and that the dreams we had for him will never be achieved, I have come to recognize that within that...

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Roses to Honor Bereaved Mothers on Mother's Day

©Jane A. Simington, PhD.


Mother's Day is celebrated annually as a tribute to mothers, motherhood and the influences of Mothers in society. Although the origins of the holiday date back to ancient Greek and Roman times, the modern forms of this celebration take place in many countries during the month of May.
Holiday celebrations such as Mother’s Day tend to include family gatherings and the sharing of traditions and “Remember When” stories. Such events can be...

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