I am Dr. Jane Simington PhD., an experienced speaker, offering conference presentations and workshops, locally, nationally, and Internationally.
Experience the Difference
"Dr. Simington's unique presentation style and soulful perspective, touches and warms the mind, emotions, and spirit, of each member of her audiences."
Ineka MacDougall,
Team Leader Health Care, Correstional Services Canada.
In my writing and speaking, I share personal and clinical experiences of triumph after tragedy. My goal is to inspire others along a path of joy and promise. Educated in both Nursing and Psychology, I have more than 30 years of experience assisting those who are moving through a difficult life event, helping them find healing, hope, and inspiration for a new beginning. I compliment my academic background and research on cross-cultural practices of healing and spirituality, with an extensive knowledge of alternative methods, such as the use of energy-transfer healing, dream interpretation, therapeutic art, guided visualization, clinical hypnotherapy, and neo-Shamanism. I am a prolific writer and public speaker. In both these modalities I freely describe my successes in using these methods, to heal my own life after the tragic death of my son, and provide empowering motivation for readers and listeners to view their reality through their own soul’s eyes, in order to experience more completely the personal and professional lives they too, are meant to live.
I offer a portfolio of keynote and workshop topics based on my research and publishing interests. Each speaking arrangement and workshop facilitation focuses on individual, family, and workplace empowerment and transformation. During each presentation, I offer an inspiring take-home message that everyone attending, can put into immediate action.
I provide workshops and conference keynotes to small and large groups, and to professionals and lay-persons in:
Social Services
Indigenous Communities
Dr. Jane Simington is a guide to the light.
She hears, sees, feels you and your soul deep inside you.
She teaches you how to be yourself, how to survive PTSD, Loss and Grief, and how to learn to do this for others.
I met her at a turning point in my life. I feel blessed.
She is red and gold and shining. She is a Sun.
Joanna Grecos,
PTSD Art Therapist Grief and Palliative Care Therapist,
Greece, Europe.
Jane’s wealth of knowledge and experience in the field, coupled with her passion for her work, and her capabilities as a teacher and facilitator make for an enriching experience. I feel blessed to have witnessed her in action.
Heather Scott,
Coach, Sherwood Park, Alberta.
Dr. Jane Simington is an excellent role model, as well as a great teacher of life. She has inspired many psychologists, coaches and trainers in Greece, and I am very grateful to her. I have been a coach, trainer, educator and author for more than 30 years, and I am delighted to have had the chance to have learned from her.
Angeliki Plouma,
Trainer, Coach, Author, Greece.