I Wish You Enough

I Wish You Enough

©Jane A. Simington PhD.

January, 2020


To satisfy my ever increasing interest in the relationships between Astrology and Numerology, I spent last evening deeply immersed in researching the numerical symbolism of the double twos and their sum of 4, in the 2020 year we are entering.

In Numerology, the Number Two represents the joining of two Ones; with the Number One depicting the self and singleness. The Number Two, which is a union of the Number Ones, symbolizes...

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Nurturing Seeds of Optimism and Hope

hope optimism spring Mar 01, 2017

©Jane A. Simington PhD.

As the days became longer and the cold of winter was giving way to the warmth of spring, as a child I could sense the optimism and hope being shared by my parents as they discussed their plans for the seeding of spring crops and gardens. Signs of new life abounded around my farm home and the potential for the gains my family could acquire if that new life was nurtured and properly cared for, while covert, were palpable.

Those childhood days have imprinted...

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Two Step

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