I Wish You Enough

I Wish You Enough

©Jane A. Simington PhD.

January, 2020


To satisfy my ever increasing interest in the relationships between Astrology and Numerology, I spent last evening deeply immersed in researching the numerical symbolism of the double twos and their sum of 4, in the 2020 year we are entering.

In Numerology, the Number Two represents the joining of two Ones; with the Number One depicting the self and singleness. The Number Two, which is a union of the Number Ones, symbolizes...

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Grandfathering Strengthens Intergenerational Bonds

©Jane A. Simington PhD.

Parents who have had a child die often feel that they have lost a huge part of their future. All the goals, dreams and aspirations they had for that child and for their relationship with that child are gone, and in their place is a deep sadness and a longing for what will never be.

As a bereaved mother I know that while my son Billy can never be replaced and that the dreams we had for him will never be achieved, I have come to recognize that within that...

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Two Step

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