Nature as Healer: Reestablishing Sacred Connections

reconnect summer Jun 03, 2015

©Jane A. Simington, PHD
"What I see in Nature is a magnificent structure that we can comprehend only very imperfectly, and that must fill a thinking person with a feeling of humility.”
Albert Einstein

Summer is upon us, and for many, this season awakens a yearning to reconnect with the natural world. Deep within us, what is stirred as we watch a thrilling thunderstorm, gaze in awe at a majestic mountain range or marvel at the roar of a great...

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A Time to Begin Anew: Applying Lessons of the East

healing May 05, 2015

Jane A. Simington, PHD.
© May, 2015
Help me celebrate as much as you help me mourn.

Many training and practice models designed to guide therapists use as a framework the three phases for healing trauma described by Judith Herman.1 The three phases are: Safety First; Remember and Mourn; and Reconnecting with Life. Clients often report however, that while their trauma experiences tore them apart, and their healing processes reshaped them in ways they themselves often...
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When Suicide Looms: Saving a Child’s Life

suicide Mar 04, 2015

Jane A. Simington, PHD ©2015

Ten year old Chantal died by suicide. Two years later, her still-grieving mother brought Chantal’s younger sister Maria for counseling. The alarmed mother revealed that Maria, who had recently celebrated her tenth birthday, was expressing a desire to kill herself.
Last month, this same Marie turned 18 years of age. She is about to complete her first year of college. During an interview, Maria described the strategies that made the...
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 Love Saved a Life

love relationship crisis Feb 03, 2015

 ©Jane A. Simington, 2014

For quite some time following the death of our son, my husband’s thoughts were punctuated with self-loathing, resulting in occasions of suicide contemplation. While I, too, was struggling with grief and remorse, I knew my husband needed my help to reclaim his sense of worth and his desire to remain among the living. Up to that point in life, I had for the most part, taken for granted the giving and receiving of love between us. This crisis...

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Seeking Happiness

happiness new years Jan 14, 2015


Bloom, bloom, bloom where you’re planted.
You will find your way.
Bloom, bloom, bloom where you’re planted.
You will have your day. C. Landry


©Jane A. Simington, PHD.

New Years’ resolutions often include a desire for things we believe will bring us greater happiness even though, at a deeper inner level, we are aware that our frenzied and constant search for more and better things to bring us happiness rarely results in the feelings we desire...

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Solstice Nights Offer Winter Dreams

festivals winter Dec 01, 2014

©Jane A. Simington, 2014
Those of us who live in the Northern hemisphere will soon be experiencing the longest nights of the year. While interpretation of the ever-increasing darkness surrounding the Winter Solstice varied among ancient cultures, archaeological findings indicate our ancestors believed that during the Winter Solstice the Earth is more closely aligned with cosmic forces and thus prayers made during these times are more likely to be responded to than are those made...
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From Inner Peace to World Peace

peace Nov 05, 2014

Jane A. Simington, PhD., 2014


The signing of the Armistice on November 11, 1918 was a declaration to end all wars. As I ponder the reasons for the lack of peaceful outcomes that many believed would follow the signing of the Armistice, I recall the words of the Buddhist monk Thich Nhat Hanh, who throughout Living Buddha, Living Christ, reminded us that Until there is peace between religions, there can be no peace in the world. People kill and are killed because they cling too...

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Threads of Gratefulness Woven within the Fabric of Life

©Jane A. Simington, PHD., October, 2014
“It is not a matter of brain damage; it is a matter of life or death.” Bill signed the consent; I was unconscious.  The fall had fractured my skull and thrust my brain forward crashing it against the frontal portion of my cranium.

Post surgery, during moments of semi-consciousness, I became increasingly aware of my inability to see. Each time I slipped back into unconsciousness I begged three large Beings of Light to open...
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Wind and the Seasonal Changes of Life

©Jane A. Simington PHD, September, 2014 
As for man, his days are as grass; as a flower of the field, so he flourisheth.
For the wind passeth over it, and it is gone;
And the place thereof shall know it no more.

  • Psalms ciii:15-16


Early this day, as I stood to welcome the sun, I was acutely aware that the whispering breezes were announcing “change.” I lingered to identify from which direction it came. I believe that Spirit rides on the wind and the message...
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    A Garden Metaphor: Resolving Guilt and Regret


Jane A. Simington, August 2014

For years now, my garden has been a great teacher. I treasure the soulful prompting I receive daily in witnessing the seasonal changes of growth and decline. Today I ruminate on how fruitful some early spring decisions and planting choices have been, and on how under-productive others were.  Why did some not turn out as planned? Was the planting time wrong; the location wrong? What can I do now to altar those early choices? What will I do...

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