Filling Our Lives With Light

©Jane A. Simington PhD.

Stone structures erected by ancient cultures and traditions to mark the Solstices and Equinoxes, invite us to ponder their meanings, and apply to our own lives the Earth’s cycles of light and darkness, death and rebirth. The ancients believed that during these turning points, the Earth was more in line with the other dimensions and that the solar energy was thus more able to enter the Earth plane to activate the purposes of that cycle.

In the Northern Hemisphere, the Spring Equinox marks the exact time when the sun rises due east and sets due west, creating an exact balance. Within hours of being in balance, the Earth begins to tilt toward the Sun, causing the increasing sunlight hours necessary for fertility and growth. This astrological phenomenon begs us to question whether we have the exact balance required so that increasing hours of sunlight can enter and fertilize the new seeds we choose to plant on this turn on our wheel.

In ancient times, as today, spring festivals welcoming the increasing hours of sunlight emphasize the spiritual significance of spring. Some carry remembrances of the Goddess traditions. Ostara is a Springtime Goddess from the Teutonic tradition. Many of the celebrations we now associate with Easter are remnants of celebrations once done in her honor. Teachings associated with Ostara remind us to bring Light into any dark areas of our lives, to pour Light on any depressive thoughts and feelings, to plant new seeds, and to fertilize them with Light as they grow and produce.

Other traditions call upon Angels and Archangels to be present during their spring celebrations and to guide the planting, fertilizing and growth of the new seeds they plant both inwardly and outwardly. The Archangel Gabrielle is frequently chosen for that patronage since this Archangel is associated with the fertility of Mary, the Mother of Jesus. In the Angel traditions, Archangel Gabrielle is also associated with the sweeping out of the old that has gathered during out darker days. Some believe that for this reason, spring housecleaning in preparation for Easter, the times of new birth, is also associated with this Archangel.

As we experience the energy of the Spring Equinox and move into the days of ever-increasing Light, may we each take time to celebrate all the meanings of this season and be creative in finding new ways to fill our lives with Light and Growth.
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